Podcast: AI means happy clients in seconds, says Jeff Gray, Propic CEO
Propic CEO Jeff Gray speaks in
"The Founders" podcast about conversational Ai.
Have you discovered The Founders podcast yet? Each week Josh Phegan and our own David Choi speak to different industry leaders to explore how digital tech can help real estate innovators scale and grow.
In this episode Propic CEO Jeff Gray cracks open inspiring insights about how conversational AI (artificial intelligence) changes the agents' prospecting end game from volume to quality; from being about how many leads or inquiries come in, to how many show actual buying intent.
Jeff was clearly excited to share results from one week of having Propic Concierge AI working at a new customer agency in Queensland, when he says:
"In the last seven days our conversational AI assistant had 2,162 conversations including 1,348 potential buyers [the others mostly about rentals]. From that we've gleaned 408 "intent triggers" for their sales team - which are data points our [people-first intelligence technology] identifies as indicating very high intent for a property."
If you want to grow and scale your business using #proptech available right now, this episode is definitely one worthy of investing 21 minutes of your time!
Tip: search and subscribe to The Founders on Audibly, Apple Podcasts or via JoshPhegan.com.au